Area of Specialty

What I can help you with

Extensive clinical experience helping adults with:

Mental Health Needs
Stress and burnout
Adjusting to major life transitions
Depression and low mood
Anxiety disorders (e.g. generalized anxiety, social anxiety, phobias)
Excessive worry
Intrusive thoughts

Relationships and Intimacy
Relationship conflict
Breaking unhelpful dating patterns
Problems with developing closeness in relationships

Body and Health
Body image
Sleep problems including insomnia
Coping with physical health issues (e.g. chronic pain)

Sense of Self
Self-esteem and self-compassion
LGBT issues and concerns about sexuality
Masculinity and men's issues
Cultural identity
Figuring out personal values and life direction
Developing resiliency and personal growth

Specialization in behavioral treatments for health conditions:

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Chronic Pain